
I Interview I

I, Alex Bradley, recently sat down with myself, Alex Bradley, and asked myself some questions. It was very cold in the room where me and me were sitting, so there was a lot of pressure on both me and me to speed things along so we could both go make some hot Ovaltine.

Alex Bradley: So, I see you’re growing a bit of a beard. What’s up with that?
Alex Bradley: Keeps my face warmer in the winter. I’m not sure I would call it a beard. Perhaps “scruff” is more accurate.
AB: Where’d you get those shoes?
AB: These are socks.
AB: Oh. Yeah, I see now.
AB: Can we move this along, please? America’s Funniest Home Videos is coming on soon.
AB: Absofruitly. Maybe you can start by talking about how you write.
AB: Well, I sit down and push these little buttons on my computer, and each button corresponds to a certain letter of the alphabet and in this way I construct words, then sentences, then paragraphs, then chapters, and then books.
AB: Wow!
AB: Not as exciting as it sounds, though. It’s mostly just me in a room alone.
AB: Yes, but you’ve got your characters for company!
AB: Sort of, I guess.
AB: In your most recent novel, Hot Lunch, the two main characters are girls. Are you a girl?
AB: No. But my mother is a woman, so I suppose I’m basically half female.
AB: Er...I never thought of it that way before.
AB: Lookit, I like girls better than I like boys, so it was only a matter of time until I wrote a book from the point of view of girls. Girls are about seven percent better than boys. That’s just my opinion, but it’s a pretty sound opinion.
AB: Do you ever talk out loud when you write?
AB: On occasion.
AB: What do you do when you’re not writing?
AB: Other things.
AB: Like...
AB: Like eating. Eating is fun.
AB: What’s your favorite meal of the day?
AB: Whichever one is next.
AB: Yes! Ha ha!
AB: Hardy har har.
AB: The characters in Hot Lunch have to take over the school’s kitchen, which means they have to learn how to cook. Do you like to cook?
AB: Cooking is one of the best things you can learn how to do. It will serve you well your whole life. Cooking something from scratch is one of the most satisfying things in the world, and serving it to people you love is one of the most rewarding.
AB: Yes! Wow!
AB: I like to make cookies, soups, waffles, pies, cornbread, puddings, pizza, pastas, grilled stuff, poached stuff, lasagne, cakes, stew, fondue, bon bons, ice cream—
AB: Homemade ice cream!
AB: —bread, custards, eggs, pancakes, yogurt, burritos, and lots and lots of other stuff.
AB: Well, all I can say is yummers.
AB: Exactly.
AB: I guess we’ll end our little conversation here. Is there anything you’d like to say to your readers?
AB: Yes, I’d like to say hello, thanks, and send me an email.
AB: Very good. Let’s do this again sometime.
AB: Ok. But right now let’s go hit the Ovaltine.


Anonymous said...

That was so funny! I love both of your books!

Anonymous said...

i am reading Hot Luch now and i love it

Jeremy Jackson said...

Thanks, guys! Happy readers=happy writer.

Anonymous said...

Now, THAT was funny. Exactly what I love to read. Do you think you can share some of that coldness over here? I live in Arizona, and it is way too hot to be almost winter. I loved Hot Luch :) Thx 4 writing it!

Anonymous said...

I read 24 Girls in 7 Days recently and loved it. You have a very genuine and mellow sense of humor that reminds me of my father.

Anonymous said...

I'm reading Hot Lunch too

Unknown said...

omg i loved 24 girls in 7 days it was sooo awsome ihavent read hot luch but i hope i can soon

that interview was sf (so funny)

when is ur next book coming out or are u stopping?

thx for the laughs

HippieLove said...

Im almost at the end of 24 girls in 7 days. Tis a really good book so far and your sense of humor reminds me of me(even though i am not a male). Your the funniest ninja ever!!!

ps:I love talking to food!!!

JoLynn Johnson said...

I just read 24 girls in 7 days and I LOVE it. My boyfriend picked it up for me at books a million while I was sick, I read it in one day. Write more!!! Oh,the Interview was a very interseting look into your life, btw.

Anonymous said...

I read Hot Luch over the summer. I loved it! it was hilarious !(wait, did I spell that right?)

Anonymous said...

i had to read a book for english class and so i read 24 girls in 7 days and it was wonderful...write more.

Cristin said...

Are you planning on writing a sequel for 24 girls in 7 days?!? I want to know what happens with Jack and Bridget... and Jack and Adrian. its killing me. PLEASE WRITE ANOTHER!

Jeremy Jackson said...

Arrg! I'd love to write a sequel to 24 Girls in 7 Days! It's a tricky business, this whole writing of books thing, and I just don't see a 24/7 sequel in my near future. But who knows?

Anonymous said...

I love you book Hot Lunch. I stayed up to 3 oclock reading it. 24 girls in 7 days was pretty good too. I hope you write more for teens.

Anonymous said...

lolz of love your books hot lunch and 24 girls in 7 days you have a real talent in writing. i would really love for you to write more books. THANKYOU!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

i am so sorry i am leaving another comment already but your books are so excellent that i couldnt just leave comment for the people of the future who needs a great book read hot lunch

Anonymous said...

omg i only have two books of yours and thats hot lunch and 24 girls in seven days and every day when i need something to read i read them both again and again cause there just that good. please i encourage you to make more books for teens. cause your books are funny and they relate to real life.

Anonymous said...

hi but i love your books so much! and i love your interview. but you relly shouldmake a hot lunch 2. that would be awsome me and my little sister read hot lunch she loved even with the words shes not aloud to say ;)

Anonymous said...

I really LOVE your books i recommend to people to read your books they have a bit of comedy and somewhat relates to real life big fan of your books. Keep on writting!!! BBYYEE!!

Anonymous said...

lol this is great!!